Who is
Becky Magnotta,
My values are Community, Joy and Curiosity. These are woven through my life. Whether it is my eclectic reading, improving my craft, learning about people, and spending time with my husband, Steve, and my friends and family. I enjoy conversation, good food, traveling, being in Colorado nature, or getting to an ocean.
I’m results-oriented, successful, empathetic and direct coach with a strong business background. I’m a leader of teams who built award winning leadership and talent development programs.
In my bones, I understand resilience and bouncing forward. I’ve experienced life’s ups and downs. I’ve been promoted, laid off, demoted, lost jobs, started new ones, built teams, been a workaholic, rebuilt relationships and considered what retirement could look like (I much prefer the Spanish jubilación or jubilation).
My Credentials
MBA – Finance Emphasis
Rigorous training as a coach through Blue Mesa Coaching
International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC)
Leadership proven through professional work and serving as an officer and active member of the International Coaching Federation and the Association for Talent Development.
Speaker – I speak on many topics from leadership development, talent development, engagement, building coaching cultures, resilience and mental fitness.
Business Background
Financial analysis, strategy, and business acumen in businesses ranging from non-profits to DISH Network and Chevron
Led as a manager, senior manager and director
Built and led Leadership Development programs for front-line, sole proprietors, middle managers and executives
Why are you called Homestead Coaching?

We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. In the mid-1950’s my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins packed up and moved from Ohio to Denver to start a business. Denver was growing with families moving into new homes paid for by the GI Bill.
These new homes needed furniture, so Homestead House began. My family sold Ethan Allen, and later added the Drexel Heritage line. Homestead House stood for quality and service. They grew that little business from one store on Colfax Avenue in Lakewood, Colorado to multiple stores throughout Colorado, New Mexico and Texas before selling it in the mid-80s.

My brothers and I grew up in this business. At the dinner table we heard family talk about leadership, marketing, logistics, sales, store locations and decisions on in-store displays. I went to work with my Dad on Saturdays to file and put coins in coin sleeves to take to the bank. A special weekend trip was when we accompanied Dad to deliver furniture to a home in the mountains.
Homestead means you are grounded in everything you do. You know your values and have discovered your home base. Homestead means you put down roots and your strength shines through. Homestead means character, honesty, quality, service and back to basics. Homestead is my grounding and what I stand for. I was born to serve my clients on their journey to discover their home base.
We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. The name honors their memory, and it is an honor for me to serve you.
Government Information
Homestead Coaching serves both public and private organizations throughout the United States.
DUNS - 007466060
CAGE Code – 9CTR0
NAICS – 611430, 541611, 541612, 541618, 541720, 541990, 561990

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